The Cell.
It’s the basic unit of LIFE in the body.
Just as each body is made up of many cells, so the Church body is made up of many cells, (people and groups) bringing LIFE and vitality to the whole. What a perfect metaphor for the Body of Christ! We are One body. And through our unique study, leisure, and fellowship groups, we deepen our personal ties, strengthen our discipleship, and energize the life of the whole Church as we journey together in faith.
Why join a Cell Group?
Cell Group is an interchangeable term with small group, (or life group, home group, class, fellowship group, etc.) The point of participating in a Cell Group is to prioritize spiritual formation in our own lives and to engage in meaningful relationships with others who desire to follow in the way of Christ. Some people have said that Cell Groups are about “doing LIFE together!”
To get connected with a Cell Group contact our Minister of Discipleship, Rev. Meg Wilkes at [email protected].
It’s the basic unit of LIFE in the body.
Just as each body is made up of many cells, so the Church body is made up of many cells, (people and groups) bringing LIFE and vitality to the whole. What a perfect metaphor for the Body of Christ! We are One body. And through our unique study, leisure, and fellowship groups, we deepen our personal ties, strengthen our discipleship, and energize the life of the whole Church as we journey together in faith.
Why join a Cell Group?
Cell Group is an interchangeable term with small group, (or life group, home group, class, fellowship group, etc.) The point of participating in a Cell Group is to prioritize spiritual formation in our own lives and to engage in meaningful relationships with others who desire to follow in the way of Christ. Some people have said that Cell Groups are about “doing LIFE together!”
To get connected with a Cell Group contact our Minister of Discipleship, Rev. Meg Wilkes at [email protected].
CATEGORIES (scroll for more info and links)
Monthly United Methodist Men, United Women of Faith, Clemson Downs Fellowship, Dominion Fellowship, Table for 8, SIP and Share (high school seniors)
Serving Nurture Team, Chrismon Crafters, Samaritan Stitchers
Special Interests Women's Leisure Ministry, CUMC Hikers, Young Adults, Senior Singles
Bible Studies Pastor led, Men's Bible Studies, Women's Bible Studies
Sunday School and Discussion Groups New Spirit Sunday School Class, As You Are (Reconciling), Monday Discussion, Adult Zoom
New Faithful and Inclusive, Still Waters, Associate Pastor book study
Monthly United Methodist Men, United Women of Faith, Clemson Downs Fellowship, Dominion Fellowship, Table for 8, SIP and Share (high school seniors)
Serving Nurture Team, Chrismon Crafters, Samaritan Stitchers
Special Interests Women's Leisure Ministry, CUMC Hikers, Young Adults, Senior Singles
Bible Studies Pastor led, Men's Bible Studies, Women's Bible Studies
Sunday School and Discussion Groups New Spirit Sunday School Class, As You Are (Reconciling), Monday Discussion, Adult Zoom
New Faithful and Inclusive, Still Waters, Associate Pastor book study
United Methodist Men (UMM)
United Methodist Men meet for breakfast on the third Tuesday of the month at 8:30am throughout the academic year. (We do not meet in December, June, July, or August.) Our purpose is to experience fellowship over a terrific breakfast either cooked in-house or brought in from a local restaurant, to hear from a variety of relevant speakers for information and wisdom, and to serve God and others through mission projects and our support of CUMC.
Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday each month @ 8:30am
Location: Christian Life Center
Who: Men of all ages and stages are welcome
United Methodist Men meet for breakfast on the third Tuesday of the month at 8:30am throughout the academic year. (We do not meet in December, June, July, or August.) Our purpose is to experience fellowship over a terrific breakfast either cooked in-house or brought in from a local restaurant, to hear from a variety of relevant speakers for information and wisdom, and to serve God and others through mission projects and our support of CUMC.
Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday each month @ 8:30am
Location: Christian Life Center
Who: Men of all ages and stages are welcome
United Women in Faith
We have four active circles of women who are united in faith together, celebrating life through their common interests of mission initiatives, reading programs, retreats, and devotional growth in Christ.
The United Women in Faith are often thought of as the foundation of worldwide connections for good work through The UMC.
Click here for more info: United Women in Faith | Love in Action (
We have four active circles of women who are united in faith together, celebrating life through their common interests of mission initiatives, reading programs, retreats, and devotional growth in Christ.
The United Women in Faith are often thought of as the foundation of worldwide connections for good work through The UMC.
Click here for more info: United Women in Faith | Love in Action (
- Abigail-Dorcas meets 2nd Wed @ 10:00am in the overflow room of the Worship Center.
- Hannah-Priscilla corresponds regularly and meets in person periodically. Contact the church for more info and to connect with the group leader.
- Mary-Martha - In August a calendar of events for the year is provided. Our events are centered around service, spiritual, and social opportunities. Generally this circle serves women in their 30's, 40's, and 50's, but ALL ARE WELCOME!
- Miriam meets 2nd Thursday @ 5:30pm in room 115 of the office building for a brief business meeting followed by dinner at a restaurant together.
Clemson Downs Fellowship
We are a group of senior adults who live in apartments and homes in the Clemson Downs.
We gather monthly for fellowship, devotion, and singing in the Corley Building. Laughter and learning, sharing prayers and stories, and continuing to grow in faith during these golden years is essential to us. Our church Pastors, Nurture co-chairs, and music director participate in leading worship. We welcome all who are residents of the Clemson Downs to join us for this time set apart. Coordinated by Bill Dowler
Meeting Time: First Thursday of the month @ 10:00am
Location: The Corley Building
Who: Senior Adults of Clemson Downs
Dominion Fellowship
A group of senior adults who live at Dominion in Clemson and gather monthly for fellowship, devotion, and singing there, led by Pastor Tommy Wilkes.
Our church Pastors, Nurture co-chairs, and music director participate in leading worship.
Meeting Time: First Thursday of the month @ 2:00pm
Location: Dominion Gathering Lounge
Who: Senior Adults of Dominion Senior Living
We are a group of senior adults who live in apartments and homes in the Clemson Downs.
We gather monthly for fellowship, devotion, and singing in the Corley Building. Laughter and learning, sharing prayers and stories, and continuing to grow in faith during these golden years is essential to us. Our church Pastors, Nurture co-chairs, and music director participate in leading worship. We welcome all who are residents of the Clemson Downs to join us for this time set apart. Coordinated by Bill Dowler
Meeting Time: First Thursday of the month @ 10:00am
Location: The Corley Building
Who: Senior Adults of Clemson Downs
Dominion Fellowship
A group of senior adults who live at Dominion in Clemson and gather monthly for fellowship, devotion, and singing there, led by Pastor Tommy Wilkes.
Our church Pastors, Nurture co-chairs, and music director participate in leading worship.
Meeting Time: First Thursday of the month @ 2:00pm
Location: Dominion Gathering Lounge
Who: Senior Adults of Dominion Senior Living
Table for Eight
Table for Eight is an exciting opportunity to connect with others at Clemson UMC. Participating in Table for Eight means signing up for three meals over the course of a few months. The next round for Table for Eight Sign ups is coming soon. What a Great Way to start the New Year, by making new friends around the dinner table.
Meeting Time: One evening monthly at a designated hour as determined by each group.
Location: In homes and restaurants as determined by each group.
Who: Men and women of all ages
Table for Eight is an exciting opportunity to connect with others at Clemson UMC. Participating in Table for Eight means signing up for three meals over the course of a few months. The next round for Table for Eight Sign ups is coming soon. What a Great Way to start the New Year, by making new friends around the dinner table.
Meeting Time: One evening monthly at a designated hour as determined by each group.
Location: In homes and restaurants as determined by each group.
Who: Men and women of all ages
Nurture Team
Do you have a gift of caring for others?
Are you interested in serving God by offering your time and care to the members of this church congregation?
Our Nurture Team (a committee of the Church Council of CUMC) strives to connect with all members in our congregation, with an emphasis toward our senior adults. We offer nurturing attention through calls, cards, visits and other neighborly actions
In addition, we provide bereavement bags to church families when they have lost a loved one.
We meet once a month on the 3rd Tuesday with a devotion and fellowship as we discuss and plan for our ministry of care to the CUMC congregation.
Kay Owen and Alice Hageman are our Nurture Team Co-Chairs.
Meeting Time: Every 3rd Tuesday @ 10:00am and 2:00pm
Location: Overflow Room, Worship Center
Who: Anyone who enjoys caring for others in the ways described above
Do you have a gift of caring for others?
Are you interested in serving God by offering your time and care to the members of this church congregation?
Our Nurture Team (a committee of the Church Council of CUMC) strives to connect with all members in our congregation, with an emphasis toward our senior adults. We offer nurturing attention through calls, cards, visits and other neighborly actions
In addition, we provide bereavement bags to church families when they have lost a loved one.
We meet once a month on the 3rd Tuesday with a devotion and fellowship as we discuss and plan for our ministry of care to the CUMC congregation.
Kay Owen and Alice Hageman are our Nurture Team Co-Chairs.
Meeting Time: Every 3rd Tuesday @ 10:00am and 2:00pm
Location: Overflow Room, Worship Center
Who: Anyone who enjoys caring for others in the ways described above
Chrismon Crafters
If you think you'll enjoy crafting and creating something sacred to be used in the worship experiences of our church, come make Advent Chrismon Ornaments with us. We create these beautiful symbolic ornaments out of beads and wire, and then give these to the church to adorn our Christmas trees in the Worship Center and Christian Life Center. Coordinated by Anne Fletcher
Meeting Time: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays monthly at 12:30pm
Location: Room 115 in the Adult Education/Church Office Building
Who: Anyone interested in learning to create Chrismons.
Samaritan Stitchers
We are people who enjoy knitting or crocheting for the benefit of others - no expertise required.
We make prayer shawls and lap robes for people who need TLC, and also items for new babies born to families of CUMC. Coordinated by Lynn Sheffield
Meeting Time: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month.
Location: Room 106 Adult Education/Church Office Building
Who: Everyone is welcome
We are people who enjoy knitting or crocheting for the benefit of others - no expertise required.
We make prayer shawls and lap robes for people who need TLC, and also items for new babies born to families of CUMC. Coordinated by Lynn Sheffield
Meeting Time: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month.
Location: Room 106 Adult Education/Church Office Building
Who: Everyone is welcome
Are you interested in exploring nature? Do you enjoy hiking through the woods or along beautiful trails? With so many wonderful trails and natural wonders (waterfalls and lakes etc) in the Clemson area, this group takes advantage of the opportunity for fellowship in the great outdoors! Please join us for some meaningful experiences on the trails - from easy to moderate hikes - typically within a 30 min drive radius of Clemson. Fall is coming and the weather and views will be just right in the weeks ahead. Coordinated by Sara Sarasua
Put on your hiking boots/shoes and get hiking with us!
Meeting Time: 2nd Saturday each month @ 9:00am
Location: Trails determined month to month!
Who: All are welcome
Are you interested in exploring nature? Do you enjoy hiking through the woods or along beautiful trails? With so many wonderful trails and natural wonders (waterfalls and lakes etc) in the Clemson area, this group takes advantage of the opportunity for fellowship in the great outdoors! Please join us for some meaningful experiences on the trails - from easy to moderate hikes - typically within a 30 min drive radius of Clemson. Fall is coming and the weather and views will be just right in the weeks ahead. Coordinated by Sara Sarasua
Put on your hiking boots/shoes and get hiking with us!
Meeting Time: 2nd Saturday each month @ 9:00am
Location: Trails determined month to month!
Who: All are welcome
#ADULTING!A space for adults in their 20's and 30's who are out in the real world!
You may be fully invested in a vocational or professional career, getting more education, or still looking for employment that’s right for you. Maybe you're secure in your place in the world or still looking for where/how you belong. Are you single or coupled? Living in your own place, staying with roommates, or still with family? Are you already active and involved in church, or just looking for people to journey with? However you are adulting, this is a group of people who share faith, grow and learn together, talk about life, and enjoy leisure and fun! Facilitated by Pastor Meg Wilkes
Meeting Time: About twice a month, date is TBD. Call the Church office for more information. 864-654-5547
Location: Church, coffee shops, restaurants, homes, movies, hiking, theater shows, ice cream places..... wherever we decide together... BE flexible!
Who: Adults in their 20's and 30's
Senior Singles
The Senior Singles group traditionally gets together on the 4th Thursday of each month, for dinner and/or entertainment. This is a social group of a few senior adults who like to stay active and have fun! Coordinated by Matt Watkins.
Meeting Time: 4th Thursday each month
Location: Varies month to month
Who: Single people in their senior adult years
Women's Leisure Ministry
In times and seasons (Spring, Fall, others) women of CUMC enjoy Leisure opportunities including dinner, some type of fun, and sharing prayer requests.
Coordinated by Brooke Whitworth, Next gathering August 19
The Senior Singles group traditionally gets together on the 4th Thursday of each month, for dinner and/or entertainment. This is a social group of a few senior adults who like to stay active and have fun! Coordinated by Matt Watkins.
Meeting Time: 4th Thursday each month
Location: Varies month to month
Who: Single people in their senior adult years
Women's Leisure Ministry
In times and seasons (Spring, Fall, others) women of CUMC enjoy Leisure opportunities including dinner, some type of fun, and sharing prayer requests.
Coordinated by Brooke Whitworth, Next gathering August 19
Pastor’s Bible Studies
Rev. Tommy Wilkes invites you to join him in Bible Studies that will be offered twice a year during Lent and Advent. These studies will be unique each time, but will generally be 5 weeks long, around themes relating to Advent and Lent. Some examples include Adam Hamilton’s 24 Hours that Changed the World, Movies and the Cross, The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem, Matt Rawle’s The Heart That Grew Three Sizes and others. Watch for promotions through the newsletter and bulletin as these seasons approach.
Contact: To get connected with any Cell Group, please contact our Minister of Discipleship, Rev. Meg Wilkes at [email protected].
Pastor’s Faith and Church 101
Generally, this is a class for frequent guests of CUMC and/or newer members, but it is open to all! If you’d like to know more about our Methodist history and theology, converse about Faith Practices, the Means of Grace, the unique Wesleyan quadrilateral as a method of approaching Bible study, as well as explore info about CUMC (our mission and ministry), this six-week class is for you. Our first session is usually early in September and meets at 5:00pm in the overflow room behind the Sanctuary in the Worship Center. Our primary source book for the class may be found here.
Contact Rev. Tommy Wilkes for exact details at [email protected].
Pastor’s Bible Studies
Rev. Tommy Wilkes invites you to join him in Bible Studies that will be offered twice a year during Lent and Advent. These studies will be unique each time, but will generally be 5 weeks long, around themes relating to Advent and Lent. Some examples include Adam Hamilton’s 24 Hours that Changed the World, Movies and the Cross, The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem, Matt Rawle’s The Heart That Grew Three Sizes and others. Watch for promotions through the newsletter and bulletin as these seasons approach.
Contact: To get connected with any Cell Group, please contact our Minister of Discipleship, Rev. Meg Wilkes at [email protected].
Pastor’s Faith and Church 101
Generally, this is a class for frequent guests of CUMC and/or newer members, but it is open to all! If you’d like to know more about our Methodist history and theology, converse about Faith Practices, the Means of Grace, the unique Wesleyan quadrilateral as a method of approaching Bible study, as well as explore info about CUMC (our mission and ministry), this six-week class is for you. Our first session is usually early in September and meets at 5:00pm in the overflow room behind the Sanctuary in the Worship Center. Our primary source book for the class may be found here.
Contact Rev. Tommy Wilkes for exact details at [email protected].
As You Are
The As You Are class was formed a few years ago as an official Reconciling group recognized by the national Reconciling Ministries Network.
Currently, As You Are meets at the Church on Sunday mornings at 9:45, but we are experimenting with the best time for those who are interested in participating.
As You Are is discussion oriented.
We have begun studying The Savvy Ally, a book written by Jeannie Gainsburg to teach readers about welcoming and affirming GBTQ+ friends and family. Our drive to become a Reconciling Class came from the fact that many of us have LGBTQ+ family members and/or friends. We are grateful to be in The United Methodist Church as we live into our new official posture of hospitality and love for all people.
Our class hopes to be instrumental in helping Clemson United Methodist Church to learn more about loving and caring for all who come through our doors, and intentionally including all Christians in service and discipleship opportunities without prejudice or discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Facilitated by Rev. Warren Ashmore and Rev. Meg Wilkes
Meeting Time: Sundays @1:30pm
Location: Rm 116 Adult Education/Offices Building
Who: Parents and allies of LGBTQIA+
New Spirit Sunday School Class
We are a Sunday school group meeting at 9:45am between CUMC’s two traditional services. Our class is a discussion-oriented group, facilitated by rotating teachers We are currently cultivating a deeper relationship with God through the Adult Bible Studies Curriculum of The United Methodist Church. We have also enjoyed biblical and topical studies by respected authors, generally in alignment with the Wesleyan tradition, such as Adam Hamilton, J Ellsworth Kalas, Philip Yancy, Gayle Carlton Fulton, Leonard Sweet, and others. Our topics range from Church seasons (Advent and Lent) to studies on hope, trust, prayer, social concerns, world religions and challenging faith questions. We are intentional about discipleship and have a wonderful time learning together. Come and see! We happily welcome visitors and new class members.
Meeting Time: Sundays @ 9:45am
Location: Room 115 Adult Education/Offices Building (starts in September)
Who: Men and Women of all ages, working and retired
The As You Are class was formed a few years ago as an official Reconciling group recognized by the national Reconciling Ministries Network.
Currently, As You Are meets at the Church on Sunday mornings at 9:45, but we are experimenting with the best time for those who are interested in participating.
As You Are is discussion oriented.
We have begun studying The Savvy Ally, a book written by Jeannie Gainsburg to teach readers about welcoming and affirming GBTQ+ friends and family. Our drive to become a Reconciling Class came from the fact that many of us have LGBTQ+ family members and/or friends. We are grateful to be in The United Methodist Church as we live into our new official posture of hospitality and love for all people.
Our class hopes to be instrumental in helping Clemson United Methodist Church to learn more about loving and caring for all who come through our doors, and intentionally including all Christians in service and discipleship opportunities without prejudice or discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Facilitated by Rev. Warren Ashmore and Rev. Meg Wilkes
Meeting Time: Sundays @1:30pm
Location: Rm 116 Adult Education/Offices Building
Who: Parents and allies of LGBTQIA+
New Spirit Sunday School Class
We are a Sunday school group meeting at 9:45am between CUMC’s two traditional services. Our class is a discussion-oriented group, facilitated by rotating teachers We are currently cultivating a deeper relationship with God through the Adult Bible Studies Curriculum of The United Methodist Church. We have also enjoyed biblical and topical studies by respected authors, generally in alignment with the Wesleyan tradition, such as Adam Hamilton, J Ellsworth Kalas, Philip Yancy, Gayle Carlton Fulton, Leonard Sweet, and others. Our topics range from Church seasons (Advent and Lent) to studies on hope, trust, prayer, social concerns, world religions and challenging faith questions. We are intentional about discipleship and have a wonderful time learning together. Come and see! We happily welcome visitors and new class members.
Meeting Time: Sundays @ 9:45am
Location: Room 115 Adult Education/Offices Building (starts in September)
Who: Men and Women of all ages, working and retired
Men's Bible Study
This group meets on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 in Room 402 of the Christian Life Center. In our sessions, we will discuss Bible passages and use videos to spur additional thoughts. This is a large group of men, many of whom also participate in the CUMC United Methodist Men’s group. Attendees are always welcome to both.
Meeting Time: Tuesdays @ 8:30am (except the 3rd Tuesday – join us then for UMM Breakfast)
Location: Room 402 in the CLC
Who: Men of all ages
This group meets on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 in Room 402 of the Christian Life Center. In our sessions, we will discuss Bible passages and use videos to spur additional thoughts. This is a large group of men, many of whom also participate in the CUMC United Methodist Men’s group. Attendees are always welcome to both.
Meeting Time: Tuesdays @ 8:30am (except the 3rd Tuesday – join us then for UMM Breakfast)
Location: Room 402 in the CLC
Who: Men of all ages
Women's Bible Study
For all women, including those with families at home, with adult children, or no children, for women who are single or married, and women in various life stages. Brooke Whitworth is our facilitator. This group has been meeting together for a few years and the time/days have changed as needed with different seasons. We have met during the week and on both Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings. Please let us know if you are interested in studying with us!
NEXT UP.....
Sermon on the Mount (Revised & Expanded) by Jen Wilkin
Meeting Time: 4:00pm -5:30pm
Dates Sunday evenings September 15 - November 10
Location: Brooke Whitworth's Home
Who: Women of all ages
Contact: [email protected]
Women's Book Study
In His Image by Jen Wilkin
Meeting Time: The following Sundays @5:30-7:00pm at Brooke Whitworth’s Home
Dates: Intro & Ch. 1 – August 25
Ch. 2 – September 29
Ch. 3 – October 27
Ch. 4 – November 17
December – Christmas Party
Ch. 5 – January 12
Ch. 6 – February 9
Ch. 7 – March 2
Ch. 8 – April 13
Ch. 9 – May 4
CH. 10 & Conclusion – June 1
Contact [email protected] to sign up and get all the info you need.
INSPIRED: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water and Loving the Bible Again, by Rachel Held Evans
Join us weekly, for this intergenerational short term book study with Pastor Steve Simoneaux.
Meeting Time: Sundays @5:00pm
Location: Rm 402 Christian Life Center
Who: Everyone is welcome!
Are YOU interested in facilitating a new Sunday School Class?
We are sharing discussions now about expanding our Sunday school over the 8:30, 9:45am and 11:00am services.
Contact: To discuss new Sunday school options, contact our Minister of Discipleship, Rev. Meg Wilkes at [email protected].
Join us weekly, for this intergenerational short term book study with Pastor Steve Simoneaux.
Meeting Time: Sundays @5:00pm
Location: Rm 402 Christian Life Center
Who: Everyone is welcome!
Are YOU interested in facilitating a new Sunday School Class?
We are sharing discussions now about expanding our Sunday school over the 8:30, 9:45am and 11:00am services.
Contact: To discuss new Sunday school options, contact our Minister of Discipleship, Rev. Meg Wilkes at [email protected].
Monday Discussion Group
All are welcome! The face of our group changes with the seasons. We have been a mixture of ages and interests over the years, including working professionals, retired folks, graduate students, couples, singles, women and men. Our purpose is to experience the challenge of spiritual growth together in a relaxed and hospitable setting, no matter our ages or roles in life. We have most recently studied Barbara Brown Taylor, C.S. Lewis, and Howard Thurmond.
Meeting Time: Mondays @ 4:00pm
Location: Room 106 Adult Education/Church Office Building
Who: People of all ages and interests
All are welcome! The face of our group changes with the seasons. We have been a mixture of ages and interests over the years, including working professionals, retired folks, graduate students, couples, singles, women and men. Our purpose is to experience the challenge of spiritual growth together in a relaxed and hospitable setting, no matter our ages or roles in life. We have most recently studied Barbara Brown Taylor, C.S. Lewis, and Howard Thurmond.
Meeting Time: Mondays @ 4:00pm
Location: Room 106 Adult Education/Church Office Building
Who: People of all ages and interests
Zoom Adult Discussion Class
Wherever you are in the world you can join us for topical discussions on books, authors, teachers etc. such as the classic “Honest to God” by John A.T. Robinson, selections by Barbara Brown Taylor and other contemporary theologians.
We have class members who Zoom in from here in Clemson as well as New Jersey, Georgia, Mexico, and Ukraine.
Grow and stretch in faith. Join us for hearty discussions around challenging topics about faith and practice. Facilitated by Bill Dowler and Bruce Yandle
Meeting Time: Sundays @ 9:00am
Location: ZOOM (get your invite, issued every Saturday, by contacting Bill Dowler with your email request to join– [email protected])
Who: People of all ages and interests
Wherever you are in the world you can join us for topical discussions on books, authors, teachers etc. such as the classic “Honest to God” by John A.T. Robinson, selections by Barbara Brown Taylor and other contemporary theologians.
We have class members who Zoom in from here in Clemson as well as New Jersey, Georgia, Mexico, and Ukraine.
Grow and stretch in faith. Join us for hearty discussions around challenging topics about faith and practice. Facilitated by Bill Dowler and Bruce Yandle
Meeting Time: Sundays @ 9:00am
Location: ZOOM (get your invite, issued every Saturday, by contacting Bill Dowler with your email request to join– [email protected])
Who: People of all ages and interests
Still Waters
An opportunity to explore some of the more contemplative practices of our faith (centering prayer, Lectio Divina, guided meditation, nature appreciation, and more.) We are making decisions now about meeting weekly, bi-weekly or monthly on Sunday afternoons. We would love to know that you are interested in joining us as we make a plan for meeting days and times. Co-facilitated by our Minister of Discipleship, Meg Wilkes, and Kim Moss.
Faithful and Inclusive
Come share about the important work of inclusion for LGBTQ+ neighbors, friends, and family in the Church. Using a variety of Christian resources including the work of Rev. Rob Fuquay, Sr. Pastor of St, Luke UMC Indiana, we will learn together and pray for all. Rev. Meg Wilkes, Minister of Discipleship, will facilitate. We'll begin in September with an interest of at least 12 participants.
Meeting time: Wednesday @5:30pm beginning 9/4
Location: Rm 116 Adult Education/Church Office Building
If interested, please contact our Minister of Discipleship, Rev. Meg Wilkes at [email protected].
Are you creative, imaginative, artistic? Would you like to work with the pastors and/or worship teams to design and implement creative elements for our worship services, including visuals, drama, sound, movement, interactive experiences, altar preparation, etc? Currently, we have a team of artful friends planning and creating altar designs to enhance worship themes and messages using a variety of elements appropriate for worship.
If interested, please contact our Minister of Discipleship, Rev. Meg Wilkes at [email protected].
Do you have Cell Group Ideas?
To explore how God might reach others using your gifts for Discipleship and Spiritual Formation through:
Music, Recovery, Life Support Groups, Yoga, Theology, Health/Wellness, Art, Creation Care, Sermon Reflection, etc.
Contact [email protected]