Make Music with Us!
Contact Rodney Cleveland Director of Music Ministries, at [email protected].
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir sings at the 11:00am Traditional worship service and is always seeking to expand and welcome new members. Rehearsals are Wednesday nights from 7-8:00pm in the Worship Center.
Celebration Ringers
Our Celebration Ringers Handbell Ministry is fortunate to have a 5-octave set of Malmark Handbells and a 3-octave set of choir chimes. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30pm in the Worship Center. You are invited to join any time–no audition necessary! For more information, please contact Anne Snider at [email protected] or (864) 723-2878.
Vine Band
If you are interested in playing with the Vine Band, Sundays at 9:45am, please contact the church at 864-654-5547 or [email protected].