Our Beliefs
Clemson United Methodist Church, as a part of The United Methodist Church, comes out of the Wesleyan tradition, tracing our theological and organizational heritage back to John Wesley. We believe our salvation comes as a free gift of love from God, demonstrated and made effective in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, made available for all humankind. We believe in the historic creeds of our Church as found in the Apostle's Creed.
We believe in the sacrament of Holy Baptism as a sign of God's amazing grace. That grace, as signified in Holy Baptism, is not dependent upon our acceptance of the offer of the gift of salvation. We baptize persons of all ages who are presented or present themselves as having trust in God and a willingness to follow Jesus Christ.
We believe in the sacrament of Holy Communion, also known as The Lord’s Supper and The Holy Eucharist, as our partaking of God’s redeeming grace through Christ. We believe in an open table, inviting all who wish to come to partake in the sacrament.
We believe in the priesthood of all believers; that the desire of God is for relationship with all humanity. Believing that we are stewards of all of creation, we are engaged in the world, spreading the good news of God’s love.
In Christ’s coming kingdom, we believe that the life of faith is about how we should live together in this world, caring for creation, advocating for the poor and forgotten, working for equity and justice, bringing heaven to earth.
We believe that all people are of sacred worth, created in the image of God. Therefore we welcome all who seek to explore their faith and build a relationship with God. No matter who you are, who you’ve been, what you do, what you’ve done, what you have, what you lack, what you can do, what limitations you have, who you love, the color of your skin, where you are from, or anything else.
Click here for a brief video explaining our spiritual goals as United Methodists.
We believe in the sacrament of Holy Baptism as a sign of God's amazing grace. That grace, as signified in Holy Baptism, is not dependent upon our acceptance of the offer of the gift of salvation. We baptize persons of all ages who are presented or present themselves as having trust in God and a willingness to follow Jesus Christ.
We believe in the sacrament of Holy Communion, also known as The Lord’s Supper and The Holy Eucharist, as our partaking of God’s redeeming grace through Christ. We believe in an open table, inviting all who wish to come to partake in the sacrament.
We believe in the priesthood of all believers; that the desire of God is for relationship with all humanity. Believing that we are stewards of all of creation, we are engaged in the world, spreading the good news of God’s love.
In Christ’s coming kingdom, we believe that the life of faith is about how we should live together in this world, caring for creation, advocating for the poor and forgotten, working for equity and justice, bringing heaven to earth.
We believe that all people are of sacred worth, created in the image of God. Therefore we welcome all who seek to explore their faith and build a relationship with God. No matter who you are, who you’ve been, what you do, what you’ve done, what you have, what you lack, what you can do, what limitations you have, who you love, the color of your skin, where you are from, or anything else.
Click here for a brief video explaining our spiritual goals as United Methodists.
Vision and Focus
As we seek to respond to God’s call today, we believe we are called specifically to these ministries:
- We are called to engage in mission and outreach in our local communities and throughout the larger world. We will continue to strengthen ministries that encourage hands-on and financial support for persons in our community. We will also work to bring hope and healing to the larger world through mission-oriented giving of financial resources, time and talent to communities in other parts of the world.
- We are called to provide an inter-generational community where youth (middle and high school students) are able to grow in their faith, develop in their discipleship, and participate in ministries of service to others.
- We are called to continue our covenantal relationship with Clemson Wesley, serving as a congregational home to college ministry as well as a place of worship and community for college students, faculty, and staff.
- We are called to offer spiritual care and support to older adults facing limitation of body and mind, making provisions for ongoing spiritual development and nurturing care for our most senior members.
- We are called to continue and expand strong ministries for children and families to grow in their faith and in their service to others.
- We are called to offer opportunities for spiritual growth and maturity for adults through the development of small group opportunities that challenge us to grow in our love of God and one another.